Jesus and John MacArthur

Posted: October 22, 2019 by Matt Horan in ReEmergent Church

Jesus’ words never “put a woman in her
place.” He called Martha out of the kitchen and into his presence. He pulled the woman caught in adultery up out of the dust and onto her feet. He took the woman at the well, who had been at the mercy of five different men, and turned her into a fisher of men.

(Read the story of St. Photine sometime!) He chose women who were on their way with spices to conceal the stench of his body’s decay as the first witnesses of his resurrection. Jesus’ words elevated the status and role of women in unprecedented ways.

John MacArthur’s disgusting, insulting words about Beth Moore and women preachers was the church at it’s worst last week. His flippant remarks were tossed out at a nodding, clapping, laughing audience full of men who profess to follow Jesus, but seem to act nothing like Him in regards to His treatment of women.

The fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I know dozens of United Methodist clergywomen who produce this fruit by the truckload every Sunday in their pulpits, and in their faithful leadership and service during the week.

Come to think of it, I didn’t hear any of those nine things from John MacArthur last week. Failing to preach and teach in ways that produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit is a pretty good reason for a preacher to stop preaching until they do.

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